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    Recursos Traductor The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Resultado de la traducción
El secreto de la creatividad es saber ocultar las fuentes. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

secret adjetivo

creativity sustantivo

1. the ability to create.

The artist's creativity was evident in the way she combined seemingly disparate elements to create a unique piece of art. La creatividad del artista fue evidente en la forma en que combinó elementos aparentemente dispares para crear una pieza de arte única.
The company values creativity among its employees, encouraging them to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions to complex problems. La empresa valora la creatividad entre sus empleados, los anima a pensar fuera del cuadro y desarrollar soluciones innovadoras para problemas complejos.
The teacher recognized her student's exceptional creativity by assigning him a project that allowed him to explore his imagination and bring new ideas to life. La profesora reconoció la creatividad excepcional de su estudiante al asignarle un proyecto que le permitió explorar su imaginación y dar vida a nuevas ideas.

be verbo

1. have the quality of being.

The new employee is calm, which be an essential trait for working in customer service. (In this sentence, "be" means to have the quality of being calm.) El nuevo empleado es sereno, lo que es una característica esencial para trabajar en atención al cliente. (En esta oración, "ser" significa tener la calidad de ser sereno.)

2. be identical to.

The two copies of the document be identical, making it impossible to determine which one is the original. Los dos ejemplares del documento sean idénticos, lo que hace imposible determinar cuál es el original.

3. occupy a certain position or area.

The new restaurant will be located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue, right next to the city's famous fountain. El nuevo restaurante se ubicará en la esquina de calle Main y Avenida Elm, justo al lado de la famosa fuente de la ciudad.

4. have an existence, be extant.

The ancient city of Pompeii still be on the Italian coast, despite being buried under volcanic ash for centuries. La ciudad antigua de Pompeya sigue estando en la costa italiana, a pesar de estar enterrada bajo cenizas volcánicas durante siglos.

5. happen, occur, take place.

The storm was expected to be severe, so we stocked up on supplies and boarded up the windows. La tormenta se esperaba que fuera severa, por lo que nos aprovisionamos de suministros y acristalamos las ventanas.

6. be identical or equivalent to.

The new smartphone **be** a clone of the latest iPhone model, sharing many of its features and design elements. El nuevo smartphone **será** una copia del último modelo de iPhone, compartiendo muchos de sus características y elementos de diseño.

7. form or compose.

The songwriter spent hours be-ing the melody, carefully crafting each note to create a haunting harmony. El compositor pasó horas siendo la melodía, cuidadosamente labrando cada nota para crear un armonía aterciopelada.

8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.

As a freelance writer, she be based out of her home office to focus on her latest novel. Como escritora independiente, ella trabaja desde su oficina en casa para enfocarse en su última novela.

9. represent, as of a character on stage.

The actor will be Shakespeare's Hamlet in tonight's performance. El actor será Hamlet de Shakespeare en la representación de esta noche.

10. spend or use time.

I'll be watching the game all afternoon, so don't disturb me. Voy a estar viendo el partido toda la tarde, así que no me molestes.

11. have life, be alive.

The newborn baby was still learning to be, struggling to breathe and adjusting to its new life outside the womb. El bebé recién nacido todavía estaba aprendiendo a ser, luchando por respirar y adaptándose a su nueva vida fuera del útero.

12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

The hikers made sure to be off the trail by nightfall so they could be alone and enjoy their campsite without disturbance. Los senderistas se aseguraron de estar fuera del camino por la hora nocturna para poder estar solos y disfrutar de su acampada sin molestar.

13. be priced at.

The new smartphone will be $800, making it one of the most expensive models on the market. El nuevo smartphone costará $800, lo que lo hará uno de los modelos más caros en el mercado.


I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Conjugación completa.

know verbo

1. be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information.

After reading the report, she knew that the company was facing financial difficulties and would need to make some tough decisions. Después de leer el informe, ella supo que la empresa estaba enfrentando dificultades financieras y necesitaría tomar algunas decisiones duras.

2. know how to do or perform something.

After months of practice, she finally knows how to ride a bike without training wheels. Después de meses de práctica, ella finalmente sabe cómo montar en bicicleta sin ruedas de entrenamiento.

3. be aware of the truth of something.

After conducting thorough research, she knew that the company was facing financial difficulties and made the decision to downsize. Después de realizar una investigación exhaustiva, ella sabía que la empresa enfrentaba dificultades financieras y tomó la decisión de downsizing.

4. be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object.

She knows her way around the city, having lived there for five years and explored its various neighborhoods. Ella conoce su camino por la ciudad, habiendo vivido allí durante cinco años y explorado sus varios barrios.

5. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations.

She knows what it's like to be in a long-distance relationship, having experienced it herself for years. Ella sabe lo que es ser en una relación de larga distancia, ya que la ha vivido ella misma durante años.

6. accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority.

The people of the kingdom knew their new king was descended from a noble lineage, so they accepted him as their rightful ruler. El pueblo del reino sabía que su nuevo rey era descendiente de una línea nobiliaria, por lo que lo aceptaron como su gobernante legítimo.

7. have fixed in the mind.

She knows the capital of France by heart, having studied it extensively before her trip. Ella conoce la capital de Francia de memoria, habiendo estudiado extensamente antes de su viaje.

8. have sexual intercourse with.

9. know the nature or character of.

After spending time with her, I came to know her as a kind and compassionate person. Después de pasar tiempo con ella, llegué a conocerla como una persona amable y compasiva.

10. be able to distinguish, recognize as being different.

The chef knows her herbs from one another, carefully selecting the freshest basil for the pasta dish. El chef conoce bien sus hierbas entre sí, selecciona con cuidado la albahaca más fresca para el plato de pasta.

11. perceive as familiar.

As soon as I walked into my childhood home, I knew it was still the same old place - the creaky stairs and musty smell were instantly familiar to me. Hasta que no entré en mi hogar infantil, supe que todavía era el mismo lugar viejo - las escaleras crujientes y el olor a moho eran instantáneamente familiares para mí.


I know.
You know.
He/She/It knows.
We know.
You know.
They know.
Conjugación completa.

hide verbo

1. prevent from being seen or discovered.

The detective tried to hide the evidence from the prosecution team by storing it in a secure location. El detective intentó ocultar la evidencia del equipo de investigación almacenándola en un lugar seguro.

2. be or go into hiding.

After receiving threats from her stalker, Sarah decided to hide in a safe house until the police could catch the perpetrator. Después de recibir amenazas de su perseguidor, Sarah decidió esconderse en una casa segura hasta que la policía pudiera atrapar al responsable.

3. cover as if with a shroud.

The mourners decided to hide the deceased's face with a veil, according to their cultural tradition. Los dolientes decidieron esconder el rostro del fallecido con un velo, según su tradición cultural.

4. make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing.

The detective tried to hide the evidence of the crime by burying it in a remote location. El detective intentó esconder la prueba del crimen enterrándola en un lugar remoto.

source sustantivo

1. the place where something begins, where it springs into being.

The source of the river is located in the mountains, and from there it flows gently through the valley. La fuente del río se encuentra en las montañas y desde allí fluye suavemente a través de la valle.

2. a document (or organization) from which information is obtained.

The journalist relied heavily on anonymous sources for her exposé, but critics accused her of fabricating some of the quotes. La periodista se apoyó ampliamente en fuentes anónimas para su exposé, pero los críticos la acusaron de falsificar algunas de las citas.

3. anything that provides inspiration for later work.

The artist drew inspiration from her childhood, which served as a rich source for her vibrant and imaginative paintings. El artista se inspiró en su infancia, que fue una rica fuente para sus pinturas vibrantes e imaginativas.

4. a facility where something is available.

The library serves as a source of books, journals, and other materials for researchers and students. La biblioteca se utiliza como fuente de libros, revistas y otros materiales para investigadores y estudiantes.

5. a person who supplies information.

The journalist relied heavily on her source within the government to uncover the scandal, which led to a major exposé. La periodista se apoyó fuertemente en su fuente dentro del gobierno para desvelar el escándalo, lo que llevó a un gran reportaje.

6. someone who originates or causes or initiates something.

The artist credited her source, a renowned painter, for inspiring her unique style in the new collection. El artista le atribuyó el crédito a su fuente, un pintor renombrado, por inspirar su estilo único en la nueva colección.

7. (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system.

The solar panel is designed to harness energy from the sun through photovoltaic source, converting it into electricity that powers homes and businesses. El panel solar está diseñado para capturar energía del sol a través de la fuente fotovoltaica, convirtiéndola en electricidad que alimenta hogares y empresas.

8. anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies.

The doctor emphasized the importance of identifying the source of the outbreak, which was later found to be a contaminated water well. El médico enfatizó la importancia de identificar la fuente del brote, que más tarde se encontró ser un pozo de agua contaminado.

9. a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to.

The professor required students to cite their source correctly in their research papers, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity. El profesor requirió a los estudiantes que citaran correctamente su fuente en sus trabajos de investigación, enfatizando la importancia de la integridad académica.